  • Major General Ibrahim Abulimon, Governor of Menoufia, accompanied by Mr. Mohamed Musa, Deputy Governor, and Engineer Rushdi Al-Sayed Omar, Head of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Company in Menoufia, inspected the water purification plant in Shama, Ashmoun Center, on an area of ​​3,000 square meters, with a capacity of 5,000 square meters/day.
  • He listened to a detailed explanation of the project’s work mechanism and the villages served, “Shama - Saqiyat Al-Munqadi.” He reviewed the laboratory reports and inspected the operating rooms, water filters, filter pumps, the main laboratory, and the work of the tanks after purification.
  • He stressed the continuous follow-up of all projects being implemented to determine the completion rates and making every effort to complete the work according to the established plan and the specified time period to contribute to providing a decent life for the Menoufian citizen and to overcome all obstacles to complete their implementation.