  • Today, Eng. Rushdi El-Sayed Omar Suleiman, Chairman of the Menoufia Drinking Water and Sanitation Company, met with the heads of sectors, general managers and branch managers to discuss the company’s preparations to receive the winter season this year.
  • Rashdi directed the necessity of continuous field visits and follow-up by branch managers on all faults that may appear in the networks and stations and to be present at work until the repair is completed and to conduct a comprehensive field survey of all home connections and covers being constructed to ensure their safety before entering service to maintain the sustainability of the service for citizens.
  • He stressed the need to follow up on all complaints received on the hotline 125 around the clock, to present and solve them immediately, especially problems related to water outages, sudden breaks in water lines, and sewage problems, stressing the need to communicate with citizens, identify their problems, and move quickly to crisis locations if they exist.
  • He stressed the presence of branch and station managers in their work areas and their continuous reassurance of the smooth running of work, determining the necessary equipment needs and their readiness to deal with crises, raising the maximum level of readiness to confront the increase in consumption, discussing the proposed solutions to avoid crises, especially in hot areas, and also paying attention to the cleanliness of all company sites, stations and networks.
  • He also stressed the need to pay attention to water quality and follow up on the periodic washing of tanks and networks to provide a healthy and safe cup of water according to the standard specifications set for that.
  • He pointed out that all branches of the company are implementing the periodic disinfection plan prepared in advance by the company to disinfect sewage lines, drains and manholes, in addition to activating the emergency plan in times of crises to respond to citizens’ complaints about the presence of overflows or complaints regarding water quality.
  • The company chairman stressed the need to follow occupational health and safety procedures in all works related to water and sewage malfunctions, in order to ensure the safety of workers and to appear in a decent manner.
  • He stressed the need for commercial sector officials to make intensive visits to customer service centers to solve citizens’ problems and provide and facilitate the necessary procedures for them regarding contracts for water and sanitation services, as well as meters, and also to follow up on revenues and collection rates.