Awareness seminars to conserve drinking water in schools for people of determination in Menoufia.
Dr. Engineer Mohamed Naguib Saleh, President of the Drinking Water and Wastewater Company in Menoufia, confirmed the company’s interest in implementing awareness-raising activities for people with special abilities, based on the state’s interest and the care of His Excellency the President of the Republic, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and his directives to care for people of determination, and within the framework of the initiative adopted by the Holding Company for Drinking Water and its subsidiaries, with the aim of Spreading the culture of rationalizing water consumption and optimal use of sewage networks.
He stated that the company’s awareness team carried out an awareness day at the School of Intellectual Education at Tala district to raise awareness of the importance of water and the need to rationalize its consumption by implementing a number of awareness and entertainment activities, interactive games, artistic competitions, and movement games. Symbolic gifts were also distributed to the school’s male and female students.
The president of the company explained that people of determination have energies and abilities that distinguish them and make them ambassadors for awareness issues and activating their role in developing and building society. Therefore, the company is keen to implement activities to raise awareness of water issues through interactive activities, puppet theatre, recreational games, and coloring and drawing for the participating students in order to ensure their inclusion in the process. Community and their effective participation.
He added, the awareness team continues to implement its awareness plan in various schools in coordination with the Directorate of Education in Menoufia to educate students about the importance of water conservation through educational and recreational games, awareness seminars, and field visits to drinking water stations.