  • ..installing 101,000 prepaid meters and providing and selling 121,876 energy-saving units to government agencies and citizens.
  • ..installing 101,000 prepaid meters and providing and selling 121,876 energy-saving units to government agencies and citizens.
  • 1,560 water connections were implemented for needy families, totaling 3.8 million, in cooperation with civil society organizations. 2,000 awareness activities were conducted to serve 560,000 people.
  • Eng. Sherif El-Sherbiny, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Wastewater, followed up on the implementation status of drinking water and wastewater projects that have been and are being implemented by the Menoufia Governorate Drinking Water and Wastewater Company during the current fiscal year. They also reviewed the status of the services provided by the company to citizens in the governorate and its work system.
  • The Minister of Housing stressed the need to quickly complete the drinking water and sanitation projects currently being implemented by the company, and to adhere to standard operating and maintenance standards in order to preserve the investments being pumped into utility projects. He pointed out that the state pays great attention to drinking water and sanitation projects in various governorates of the republic, especially in rural areas, which has been translated into the projects of the presidential initiative "Decent Life" to develop the Egyptian countryside, within the framework of Egypt's Vision 2030 to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
  • Engineer Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Wastewater, emphasized the company's commitment to achieving the highest levels of operational efficiency across all drinking water and wastewater companies nationwide, enhancing infrastructure in accordance with the latest international standards to ensure the sustainability and improvement of services, and focusing on innovative solutions and effective investments in the vital utilities sector.
  • Eng. Rushdi El Sayed Omar, Chairman of the Menoufia Drinking Water and Wastewater Company, reviewed the implementation status of a number of projects and activities carried out by the Menoufia Drinking Water and Wastewater Company during the current fiscal year, noting that sewage projects funded by the World Bank worth 700 million pounds, sewage and water projects funded by the governorate worth 17.40 million pounds, and extension, reinforcement, replacement and renewal projects worth 155.90 million pounds, with a total length of water networks amounting to 41 km, sewage networks 10 km, replacement and renewal of 26 water purification plants, and replacement and renewal of 12 sewage treatment and lifting stations.
  • The Chairman of the Menoufia Drinking Water and Wastewater Company pointed out that the projects included: extending and reinforcing the sewage networks in Al-Mai village, Shebin El-Kom Center, connecting the sewage and extending the slope networks with a discharge line and establishing the Kafr Shenoufa lifting station in Shebin El-Kom, replacing and renewing the discharge lines for Qweisna lifting stations No. 3 and 4 with a total length of 3 km, replacing, renewing, extending and reinforcing the sewage networks, replacing and renewing 37 wells in the governorate’s districts, establishing a lifting station to serve the social housing buildings in Al-Raheb, in addition to implementing the sustainable sanitation project to serve rural areas funded by the World Bank and the Asian Bank to serve 16 villages and 16 affiliates in Tala Center to serve 180,000 people.
  • He pointed out that in order to provide distinguished service to citizens and meet their drinking water needs, the efficiency of filters at the stations (Toukh Delka El Bahary, El Dabaiba El Bahary, Baraka El Sabaa, Tamlay) was developed and raised, the slurry line at Shubra Bakhum station was replaced and renewed, the efficiency of filters at the stations (Toukh Delka, Sars El Layyan station) was developed and raised, the filtration medium was changed and the efficiency of filters at the stations (El Dabaiba, Tamlay, Kafr El Khadra, Toukh Delka, Mit Musa) was raised, the washing line and slurry line at the Melig filtration station were replaced and renewed, the low-pressure cables were changed and cable ducts were made at the El Dabaiba water station, and the slurry pump shaft at the Shebin El Kom El Bahary water station was changed, replaced and renewed.
  • He added that the sewage service connection to the villages of Menouf Center, with a length of 2,630 meters, funded by a European Union grant as a first phase, has been completed. The replacement and renewal plan for the sewage networks in the governorate's districts, with a length of 27 km, has also been completed, in addition to raising the efficiency of electromechanical works at 7 drainage stations and 5 lifting stations, and raising the efficiency of civil works at 4 treatment plants and 3 lifting stations.
  • The company's chairman confirmed that, as part of the presidential "Decent Life" initiative, 1,300 drinking water connections have been completed, bringing the total to 10,782 household connections. He also noted that sewage services have been completed on streets less than 2.2 meters wide.
  • He noted that the Dabaiba Filter Station, the Pharaonic Filter Station, and the Shibin El Kom El Bahary Filter Station have obtained the Sustainable Technical Management (TSM) certification, in addition to implementing the Standard Operating Instructions (SOP) and Standard Maintenance Instructions (SMP) for all water and wastewater treatment plants.
  • He stressed that as part of the company's implementation of the digital transformation plan in line with the country's general direction, the Information Technology and Digital Transformation Sector has succeeded in purchasing licenses for databases and applications used to secure data and ensure integration, security and outstanding performance, registering intellectual property rights for all used and developed applications, preparing HCI servers and using disaster recovery technology to protect the company from disasters, activating and operating Vsphere DRS & Vsphere HA, which enables the automatic transfer of all virtual applications and servers to the server, in addition to activating the mobile application "My Data" for the data of the company's employees and affiliated branches, as well as activating it on the company's website under the name of Employee Services.
  • The company's chairman pointed out that the laboratory sector includes equipped mobile vehicles to collect samples and conduct the necessary chemical analyses to examine any complaint, as about 103 thousand samples were taken from all water stations with a compliance rate of 99.68%, and 7950 samples were taken from all sewage treatment plants during this year, in addition to the General Administration of Quality and Environment obtaining the first level among the subsidiary companies through the evaluation of the holding company and 3 water stations obtaining a water safety and security certificate, and 3 treatment plants obtaining a safety and security certificate for handling sewage.
  • He said: The commercial sector seeks to achieve the company's goals and expand the installation of prepaid meters, as the total number of prepaid meters installed has reached 101,000 residential meters, 4,735 government prepaid meters, and 121,876 spare parts have been provided and sold to government agencies and citizens. He praised the success achieved by the customer service centers in Shibin El Kom and Baraka El Sabaa in qualifying for the Government Excellence Award among the top 10 centers nationwide.
  • He added that in order to raise the professional level of all employees at the company, the Human Resources Department has implemented 293 training courses for 3,882 actual trainees in various specializations at the company through the training center, which has been renewed for accreditation by the National Council for Training and Education and for ISO 9001/2015 quality certification.
  • He stressed that the company communicates with its customers through various communication channels, including the hotline 125, which succeeded in responding to 70,000 complaints, including 38,707 water complaints, 31,641 drainage complaints, 971 quality complaints, 1,654 accounting complaints, and 10 project complaints. The total number of complaints received by the Menoufia Company through various websites and print newspapers, complaints from the government portal, the Ministry of Housing, social media complaints, and citizens’ complaints amounted to 2,205 complaints, which were dealt with.
  • The company's chairman pointed out that, in implementation of the awareness and community participation plan, 2,000 awareness activities were conducted for 560,000 beneficiaries, 25 cooperation protocols were implemented with civil society organizations cooperating in the field of drinking water, and 1,560 connections were implemented for needy families at a total cost of 3.8 million pounds in cooperation with civil society organizations.