The head of the Menoufia Water Company follows up on the work of suctioning rainwater collections.
Dr. Engineer Mohamed Naguib Saleh, Chairman of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Company in Menoufia, followed up on the work of suctioning rainwater collections in the city of Shebin El-Kom and ordered the formation of an emergency room to follow up on all complaints received on the 125 hotline 24 hours a day. This is to solve them immediately, especially problems related to the appearance of floods in the streets or water quality
Naguib assigned the heads of the branches to follow up on the process of pumping rainwater in the streets and provide the necessary equipment, including sweeping vehicles and suction machines, to confront the wave of bad weather that led to rain in various places in the governorate.
He stressed the need for regular work in all stations and networks at the governorate level, the continuation of work in all branches of the company, and raising the maximum level of preparedness to confront any problems that may arise in networks and stations and full coordination with the responsible authorities.
The company's president follows up around the clock with the company's emergency room on the latest developments to know the condition of the areas in the company's branches.
The company calls on citizens to rationalize their use of water during this period of the wave that the governorate is experiencing to reduce pressure on the sewage networks.