  • Engineer Rushdi Al-Sayed Omar, head of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Company in Menoufia, inspected the Al-Dabaiba Al-Bahari water station and the Al-Ghouri treatment station in Berkat Al-Sabaa to ensure the progress of work and the regularity of operations at the stations.
  • He inspected the customer service center at the company’s branch in Berket El Saba, stressing the necessity of working to improve the service provided to citizens and striving to provide better service to citizens, whether drinking water or sewage service, and the necessity of moving quickly to solve the problems they face, and the necessity of every individual performing his work tasks to the fullest extent, stressing that our first goal is Citizen and work to provide better services.
  • He stressed the necessity of carrying out periodic maintenance of stations according to the existing time plan for equipment maintenance. To maintain its technical condition permanently, follow up the operation process, and pay attention to the general appearance of the stations, with the aim of maintaining the efficiency of the station and improving the quality of service provided to citizens.
  • This comes in implementation of the instructions of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and the directives of Engineer Sherif El-Sherbiny, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Major General Ibrahim Abu Laymoun, Governor of Menoufia, and Engineer Mamdouh Raslan, President of the Holding Company for Potable Water and Wastewater, to visit the stations periodically to monitor the current situation and follow up on the ongoing projects to rehabilitate the stations in order to achieve the good. General, improving the level of performance, responding to customer complaints and inquiries, and working to solve them as quickly as possible.