  • Eng. Rushdi El Sayed Omar, Chairman of the Menoufia Drinking Water and Sanitation Company, received Eng. Wael Shaaban, Head of the Institutional Development Sector at the Holding Company, Eng. Ahmed Shawky, Director of the Corporate Follow-up Department at the Information Technology Department at the Holding Company, and Eng. Ahmed Hussein, Director of the Technical Support Department at the Information Technology Department at the Holding Company, to follow up on the progress of work in the Information Technology and Digital Transformation Sector at the company.
  • During the meeting, the equipment of the new administrative building was discussed, and all the company’s applications and programs, infrastructure, and measures taken in the field of cybersecurity and technical support were presented.
  • The attendees praised the tangible role of the information technology sector and digital transformation and its impact in particular on achieving the desired results.
  • The visit concluded with thanks to Eng. Rehab Shawky, Head of the Information Technology and Digital Transformation Sector, and all the sector’s engineers for the tangible achievement in implementing the work, which is a model to be emulated by all companies.